Renters Insurance.

Protect your personal belongings in your manufactured home.

Even though you don’t own the place in which you live, you’ve made a significant investment in clothing, electronics and other valuable belongings. Not only would it be devastating if they were lost, stolen or damaged, it would be expensive to replace them.

Bright, through its various insurance carriers, is here to help by providing you with the option to purchase manufactured home Renters Insurance. The policy will cover your furniture, clothing, small appliances, household items and more! Not only will our policy assist in replacing your cherished personal belongings, you also have the option of purchasing personal liability insurance that can protect you in case of a liability lawsuit filed against you where you cause injury to someone or damage their property.

Additionally, should your home become temporarily unavailable due to a covered loss, our mobile home renters insurance policy will help pay for meals, a place to stay, and more!

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